"The grand essentials of happiness are: something to do,
something to love and something to hope for."
-- Allan K. Chalmers
I call this quote "the stool of life". This three legged chair will take you anywhere with a happy heart. If you find yourself a bit off (or your children), tick down the list...do you have something to do? Something to love? Something to hope for? Usually, one of these things is missing if you are feeling blue.
And that leads me to my "something to love".
Today is Valentine's Day.
I know you love somebody...probably several somebodies.
Share the love.
Take the time. Stop right now and do it.
Tell them.
Show them.
Hug them.
Hold them.
Dance with them.
Laugh with them.
Make their favorite treat.
Write a love note.
Make a valentine.
Sing to them.
Make a crazy love sick video.
Send a text.
Use some stickers.
Pick a flower.
Draw a picture.
Share a photo.
Take a walk with them.
Write a note on the mirror with soap.
Leave a secret post-it in the car.
Go on a bike ride.
Snuggle on the couch.
Give a foot massage.
Try a back scratch.
Tickle them.
Read a poem to them.
Make a sentence out of conversation hearts.
Send a smiley.
Make a phone call.
Hold their hand.
Right now do it.
I'm tired of the couples taking over this holiday.
If you have a sweetheart, then count your blessings and please let your sweetheart know they are your beloved...
as Patrick likes to say: "Your one true love."
But if you're single, there are still people you love. Let them know.
As you can probably tell, I like to write. I live for the love note. So my valentine tradition is writing 15 love notes to each person in my family. Tiny colored paper hearts holding my most cherished memories or moments I have loved with that person this year. I write them, even if I'm not feeling it...even if it takes me a few hours to think of those 15 things...because guess what? You can't help but find it again. You can't help but recognize the gift that the person is in your life. You can't help but end that time feeling hopelessly grateful for their love; their spirit; their essence.
I tape them to ribbons and hang them in their doorway.
They wake up to a waterfall of hearts.
Yes, even if they can't read, I write them. Even if they might not take the time to read them, I write them. Even if it seems pointless I write them.
Because it's not a waste to me.
I think I get more out of my ribbon hearts than my sweet family members do. You see, somehow by writing the notes, I find my way back to the heart of what matters. The trail feels like a round and pointy journey...but it makes sense. I can hear their laugh again. See the twinkle in their eyes.
For a crystallized moment, it all makes sense.
Happy Valentine's Day.
I'm sending you a heart-filled envelope today.
Share the love.
And please...help me add to my list. How do you share your love?
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