Sunday, August 21, 2011

Grace Happens

Do you have someone you'd like to be when you grow up?  For me, it's Susan Branch.  If you don't know her, she writes the most beautiful cookbooks, creates gorgeous calendars, develops material for quilters and generally has her creative mojo overflowing. Recently she began a blog and I love it!  Take a look and escape into the wonderful world of Susan Branch.

So...I had to steal her little bumper sticker...I just know we would be friends if only I hung out in Martha's Vineyard.  :)  

Anyway, her bumper sticker got me thinking...if we all lived like Susan Branch, we would create our own islands full of people that are wise and of good will.  The grace would happen.  We wouldn't need anything fancy.  We wouldn't even need a view...just some good will and wisdom.  And where can we find that?  Here's the big secret that even darling Susan Branch doesn't seem to mention very often: at eye level with kids.  

So often, they have that lovely mixture of good will and wisdom.  

They give second chances.  They love ferociously.  They think you're beautiful.  They dance.  They cuddle when they need to (or if you need to), offer up a quick "sorry" when the time is right, pause with wonder and stop eating when they are full.  They don't have any pretenses and they tell it like it is.  In short, they keep it real.  

Just the other day, my sister's son Peter was crying and my sister asked him why.  He looked up at her and clarified the obvious: "Because sometimes little boys cry." Yep.  They do. So, on my list of things that kids do right is Peter's astute observation: they allow themselves to cry when necessary. 

Kids keep it simple.  They can sense a fake the way a raccoon can find a garbage can, immediately.  They live effortlessly, simply and with profound grace.  

I have four kids.  One just left to find his own little village full of wisdom and good will.  Pray that he finds it, creates it and lives it.  I do.  And until I see him again, I'm going to hang with my posse: kids.  I'm going to search them out, listen and wait because sssshhhh: that's where the grace happens.


  1. I re-read this post a few times...I LOVE it. It made me think. I love when things make me think (usually). Who do I want to be when I grow up? OH-MY-GOSH...this is such a hard question for me. I used to think this one mom I used to babysit for~she has it all together. Sometimes I want to "be" a famous blogger I admire. No matter what, I want to be with kids as much as possible. They are the best people to surround yourself with. I couldn't agree more. I think that you are so full of insight and wisdom in writing this post.

    Can I join your posse? I'm such a kid-at-heart, promise. And am so un-adult-like. Really.

    And for Jack? Consider him added to my prayer list. I remember when I met you, you said he was born under a lucky star, so I'm confident he will find his village...and that he'll find grace in the ordinary, everyday life that is college....

  2. Aww made me smile. I still believe he was born under a lucky star and I'm grateful he will be wrapped in your prayers. :) As for being in my posse...friend, you joined mine a long time ago, ages and ages...of course you are in!

    And yes, kids know where it's at, I'm hanging with the kindergartners this year. :)
